Mini and Dwarf (less than 7 " tall)
Dwarf, Miniature and Small hosta plants are valued for their use in containers or planted in the garden. Many can be planted as an edger along the garden bed or along a path or walkway. They are wonderful in pots, troughs, bowls, fairy gardens or most any container. Here at Pine Forest Gardens we like to plant mini hostas and dwarf hostas in unique containers and place on the shaded patio. We recommend repotting small hostas in containers every 2 to 3 years using a well drained soil with added coarse perlite, gravel or pine bark compost. We also like to plant these miniature and dwarf hostas in mass at the front of a shade garden. You can buy hostas here at our online hosta catalog.
Pine Forest Gardens offers you a wide array of beautiful Miniature Hostas for Sale at an unbeatable price. We are the leading supplier of Miniature Hosta plants in Atlanta. Mini hostas are a great option to add to the appearance of the garden area especially the shady one. Our astonishing range of miniature Hostas are available in a vast selection of color variations and textures. Hostas are an ideal option for the shade garden and amplify the appearance of the whole garden. With very little care and ease, you can easily plant them and improve the beauty of the garden area in no time. Miniature hostas are also a great way to fill those small spaces in the rock garden. Place your order today!
Mini hostas, also called dwarf hostas are very popular type of hostas. Dwarf hostas are extensively utilized in gardens to achieve a magnificent look. These hostas have generally the same characteristics as larger hostas but their small size is what makes them stand apart from the rest of the others!
We at Pine Forest Gardens are offering an astonishing variety of Dwarf Hostas for sale that are perfect for your mini garden. There are varied ways of using the Dwarf hostas, they should be placed in front of larger hostas or you can use dwarf hostas in rows to acquire a new look in the garden. Browse our selection of Dwarf hostas and miniature hosta plants for sale and give your garden a fairy tale appearance.
What is a miniature hosta?
Miniature hosta definition from the American Hosta Society

Miniature and Dwarf Hostas make excellent container plants. We like to plant them in bowls, pots,troughs, and fairy gardens.
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Out of the Fog 6" T X 10" W